COVID-19 Information

Dear Harmony Childcare Families,
our center has been working with our public health partners monitoring the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19). When responding to infectious diseases, it is important to know that our center follows the directions and recommendations made by the state and county health departments.

What is our center doing?

  • Flyers about COVID-19 have been posted within the center on how we can keep our students and staff safe
  • Staff and parents fill out a questionnaire upon arrival including questions on recent travel, symptoms and possible exposure to COVID-19
  • Temperatures are taken upon arrival for staff and students
  • Washing staff and students’ hands upon arrival, before and after meals as well as throughout the day as needed for at least 20 seconds with soap and water
  • We are encouraging our students to keep hands out of their mouth and eyes
  • We are encouraging our students to cover their mouth when coughing and sneezing
  • We are allowing no more than 10 students in each room to accommodate social distancing
  • All classrooms and toys are being disinfected with bleach before closing each day
  • Doors knobs, phones and sanitizing stations are being wiped down with bleach every morning upon opening the center
  • Staff are always required to wear masks while in the center
  • Hours may change under current circumstances

Please know Harmony Child Care Center is monitoring this situation. Our focus will always be on maintaining the safety of our students and staff. We will continue to update staff and families with any new information.

Posted in Directors Note

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